
<aside> 💡 Talk about what your item currently can do or what you’re trying to improve


Problem statement

What do your customers want to achieve? What’s the ideal product that they would want to use?

Why should we do this?

Why is it important that this needs to improve? How would it help improve? Why is this the item that you’re focusing on changing?

Customer request examples

What have some customers asked for? This is good place to validate your solution


What are we going to build? How are we going to build it? Are we going to build it in phases? E.g phase 1, phase 2

User stories

As I user what do I want to see? What scenarios can be tested? e.g As I user, when I type “product spec” into the search bar, the result will come up

Tech questions

Is there anything here that needs devs to validate? Can we build this?